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National Petroleum Company
In 1986, the Risha gas field was discovered by the Natural Resources Authority, which continued exploration and exploration until 1995 after the transfer of the concession to the National Petroleum Company, which was established to this end, a public joint stock company 99.92% owned by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
In 1989 production began from the Risha gas field after the completion of the construction of the gas treatment plant and the risha power plant.
The cumulative production of the gas feather field as of 31 December 2022 was equivalent to (241) billion cubic feet.
The National Petroleum Company continued to explore and explore natural gas in its concession area in the Risha gas field, including the entry of BP as a strategic partner in 2010 and withdrew in 2014 without adding any production quantities during its existence.
The company's outlook and strategic plan for the years (2020-2030).
The company's strategic plan for the years (2020-2030) aims to reach a production capacity of up to 200 million cubic feet per day to increase the contribution of the domestic product and achieve energy security and reduce dependence on imports as included in the strategic plan for the energy sector in Jordan.